Chapter Three: Trust The Process
Hey Friends!
I hope your summer is going well and this season has been treating you all kindly. Lets take a moment to inhale a deep breathe of fresh air and exhale because this Summer has truly been eventful but an ever growing experience.
In recent news, Colorado as well as California has been experiencing aweful wildfires where some have been human cause while other fires started due to well, nature being nature.
Because of the severity, we decided to jump into action by meeting with city officials where the original plan was propose a partnership with the City of Fort Collins but then quickly realized, why not propose a community wildflower garden AND introduce these into wildfire burn areas?!
We did exactly that, and now understand what it takes to get initiatives like this moving. As we learned from months prior it is important that we stay focused and deliver on the things we know we are confident about.
Step one, we are working on getting the beginnging stages of getting wildflower garden put into the East side of Fort Collins and begin reaching out to private land owners who’s land has been affected from the 2024 Colorado Wildfires. We are also working in reaching out to local nurseries and botanic gardens for native plant seedlings to aid tree planting survival rates for Spring 2025.
Because our mission has now changed into pouring our resources back into the community we feel that it is best for all funding to go towards important work like this. It takes a community to heal and we are grateful to have you apart of it!
Thank you for sticking with us and we can’t wait to give you fresh updates!